On an Imaginary World

Mom is having a bad day again. I finished my work in like, five hours today. So even though it’s only 11, I have the rest of the day to myself. Of course, I’ll have to go back for lunch at some point, but for now, I just have to get out of the house. I could go ride, but there’s not enough time right now… maybe after lunch… I think. So I just run up the hill to my castle. “Ah! My queen!” my imaginary headmaster meets me at the door of my (both) imaginary school (like Hogwarts (complete with houses (Gondor, Rohan, Rivendell, and Isengard) but for creating and training Knights and Lady’s for my kingdom), and my imaginary castle. “Headmaster, is Professor Legolas in?” I ask. “Always,” the headmaster replies, “Pent up in his office, no doubt. You’re gone far too much. I hear he is thinking of retiring from his position in the High Council of Middle Earth, as well as from his professorship here just so he can run your kingdom in your absence.” The headmaster fills me in as we pass students on the Great Stairs, pass through two secret doors, and stand in the hidden hallway that leads to Professor Legolas’ office. He pauses with a knowing look. As sad as I am that I have been away a lot from my imaginary kingdom, Mom is not well enough to really even run the house at this point, let alone take care of the animals and help me with schooling. I had to make a choice. Something had to give. “I’m sorry to hear that Headmaster, but you both know that I do as much as I possibly can for the kingdom.” “Of course my queen,” the Headmaster relents, and I sit in the hallway for a moment before entering Legolas’ chambers. Maybe I could try talking to Dad about Mom again… but no… that always just ends up with them fighting. I sigh, and re-enter my imaginary world.

A short piece about the thing/person who knows me best. In this case, my imaginary world. The only place I could really go as a child. It know everything that I was dealing with, and was the most understanding and insightful thing. There wasn’t really anyone else who I could turn to as a child, so instead I ran to my imagination.

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